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PZC Minutes 07-23-2013
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bart Pacekonis, Viney Wilson, Mario Marrero, Betty Kuehnel, Kevin Foley (arrived at 8:38 p.m.)
ALTERNATES PRESENT: Stephen Wagner, Stephanie Dexter (arrived at 8:20 p.m.), Will Butter (arrived at 8:22 p.m.)
STAFF PRESENT: Michele Lipe, Town Planner; Lauren Zarambo, Recording Secretary


CALL TO ORDER:  Acting Chairman Bart Pacekonis called the Public Hearing to order at 7:30 p.m.

Secretary Commissioner Wilson read the legal notice as it was published in the Journal Inquirer on Thursday, July 11 and Thursday, July 18, 2013 into the record.

The Acting Chairman appointed Commissioner Wagner to sit for Commissioner Foley.

  • Appl. 13-28P, Jehovah’s Witnesses Earth Filling Permit - request for special exception to 7.6 and site plan approval for earth filling to create a pad for a future parking lot, at 640 Burnham Street, I-291 CD overlay zone
Applicant, Mr. Tom Mason, an elder with the South Windsor Kingdom Hall, presented their request for an earth filling permit for a future parking lot stating the reason for this project is their congregations are growing and have found parking inadequate and difficult to accommodate all the cars. Some parking is now done on the shoulders of Burnham Street. They have the opportunity to take the fill from the CREC school property in the amount of 1500 cubic yards. Mr. Mason estimated 16 loads per day could be delivered for a total of 6 days, though not necessarily concurrent days. They will not pave the parking lot immediately but want to take advantage of getting the fill at a good price.

Town Planner Michele Lipe gave staff comments:

  • Request for a filling and grading special exception approval under Section 7.6 of the zoning regulations at 640 Burnham Street, I-291 CD zone. A land filling permit may be issued by the Commission for a period not to exceed one year.
  • The land filling regulations require that the plan provide for proper drainage during and after completion; and that no bank exceed a slope of 2:1. The Commission may require safety measures to protect vehicular and pedestrian traffic, such as pavement of access roads to reduce dust and relieve traffic problems.
  • The purpose of this application is to establish the area that will eventually be used for additional parking.  A site plan of development will be required before any further construction is permitted on the site.
  • The proposed operation will be accessed solely from the parking lot off of that has its access off of Burnham Streets; no entrance is proposed on Burnham Street. The Town of East Hartford was notified of this pending application.
  • The applicant is showing the relocation of some of the trees that will be disturbed as well as additional screening along the Burnham Street frontage.
  • The amount of disturbance does not warrant an application to the IWA/CC for conservation approval.  Staff has reviewed the proposed E and S measures and has found them to be adequate.  We would recommend a bond in the amount of $1,000 to ensure compliance with the E and S measures proposed.
If this application is approved, the Planning Dept has no requested approval modifications.  There are no engineering comments on the plans.

No one from the public spoke in favor of the application.

Mr. Gary Pitcock, resident of Long Hill Road which runs behind the property, spoke in opposition to the application stating he and his neighbors were in support of the zoning change to allow the church but are now voicing concern because of its growing size with 2 auditoriums and four congregations meeting on the site. The houses directly across the street in East Hartford have issues with their foundations and he asked how this parking would affect wetlands and how drainage might affect their well water.
Commissioner Wagner stated he visited the site and saw a significant drop in the proposed fill area from the existing parking lot. Mr. Mason replied that he was unsure of the exact slope but thought there would be about a four feet drop from the existing lot to the new one.

Commissioner Marrero asked for clarification for the number of people in the congregations that Mr. Mason quoted in his opening remarks. Mr. Mason clarified and stated sometimes the overflow cars park on the shoulders of Burnham Street and by creating additional parking will resolve the issue. The Commissioner asked Mr. Mason to clarify why they would not be paving in the near future and Mr. Mason replied it was a financial issue. Commissioner Marrero stated the same concerns as Commissioner Wagner about the difference in elevations of the lots stating the elevations on the plan show 100’ with the existing lot at 108’ and stated 8 feet is a substantial drop.  The Planner stated at the time the parking lot is designed the applicant will have to come back to the Commission with a site plan showing the grading and defined traffic patterns to have a clearer picture.

Commissioner Kuehnel asked the Town Planner about Mr Pitcock’s concerns with issues that have arisen since the last prior approval and complaints about drainage. The Planner replied the Town Engineer had reviewed the plan and had no concerns. The area is away from the wetlands area and not within their buffer so there was no review necessary from the Wetlands Officer. A prior parking lot plan had been proposed and withdrawn.

Commissioner Wilson asked if they had considered putting the parking area toward the back of the site. Mr. Mason showed the proposed site to the Commissioners on the site plan and stated a drainage trench runs along the back which would prevent the new lot from being placed there and described steep inclines elsewhere.  

Commissioner Wagner asked how they would treat the area until it would be paved. Mr. Mason stated it would be seeded. The Planner stated it would be addressed as part of an approval condition.

Acting Chairman Pacekonis stated the Commission would look for safety measures on the site plan such as a retaining wall or a fence to protect people walking in the parking lot and from cars driving over and down steep inclines. He called Mr. Pitcock to speak about issues concerning excess water. Mr. Pitcock stated three or four houses on the East Hartford side have foundation problems with the wetlands. Planner Lipe stated all abutting neighbors were notified of the hearing and the Town Engineer from East Hartford had been sent a set of plans for review. Mr. Pitcock stated the biggest concern is about how many more congregations will be added as it is a very intense use of the property. Mr. Mason stated they presently have four congregations, 3 English and 1 Spanish, and cannot add any more.

The Acting Chairman asked about the solar panel installation on site and geothermal installations were mentioned. The Acting Chairman encouraged a more environmentally friendly surface with less runoff to other areas to be used for the proposed parking lot.  

A motion was made by Commissioner Kuehnel to close the Public Hearing.
Seconded by Commissioner Wilson.
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.
The Public Hearing closed at 7:57 p.m.

  • Appl. 13-20P, Revolutions Bowling & Lounge - request for a special exception to Section 7.13.1D.5 and site plan modification to expand their current permit to allow for seasonal outdoor activities including: 1) tent for special events (up to 250 guests); 2) entertainment, including music and dancing; 3) a bar and patio seating for up to 150 patrons; and 4) areas dedicated to outdoor activities, on property located 60 Bidwell Road and 195 Governor’s Highway, I zone (Continued from 6/11/13 and Continued to 8/20/13)
The Town Planner stated there will be a sound demonstration on Wednesday, July 24th at 9:30 p.m. at Revolutions. The public is invited to attend this Special Meeting. It is not a public hearing so there will be no engaging in public dialog but will be a sound demonstration of the noise generated from the patio. The neighborhood has also been invited.

The Public Hearing closed at 7:59 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER:  Acting Chairman Pacekonis called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.


NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:       



  • Adoption of Town Plan of Conservation and Development
Heidi Samokar thanked the Commission for their hard work and stated there would be two steps to adopt the plan. There will be the formal adoption of the strategy plan, the POCD, with a recommended effective date of August 18, 2013 and then the adoption of the Implementation Plan which will be effective immediately. Ms Samokar stated the Commission truly captured the pulse of the community and commended them for doing so over the last eighteen months.

Ms. Samokar went over the Recommended Modifications to the proposed 2013 South Windsor Plan of Conservation and Development and Implementation Element (Exhibit A).

A motion was made by Commissioner Wilson to adopt the Proposed South Windsor 2013 Plan of Conservation and Development, with revisions as outlined in the July 17, 2013 memorandum from Planimetrics with the following changes:

1.  Chapter 9: add ‘activities and art’ and an Effective Date of August 18, 2013.

Seconded by Commissioner Kuehnel.
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Ms Samokar stated the Implementation Plan can be adopted and changed every month if the Commission chooses to do so. She then went over the Recommended Modifications to the proposed 2013 South Windsor Plan of Conservation and Development and Implementation Element (Exhibit A).

Commissioners Dexter and Butter arrived at 8:20 p.m. and 8:22 p.m. respectively.

Commissioner Keuhnel made a motion to adopt the Implementation Element to the 2013 Plan of Conservation and Development, with revisions as outlined in the July 17, 2013 memorandum from Planimetrics which includes changing the word ‘can’ to ‘to’ on Page 19 and adding the Town Council to the PD as partners on Page 19.

Acting Chair Pacekonis appointed Commissioner Butter to be seated for Commissioner Carroll.

Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.

The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Ms Samokar congratulated the Commission and stated there was an expense budget with a balance of $2500 set aside which was not yet used because all printing so far had been done in-house. Edits will be made and proofed and that balance will go toward the final printing of the Plan.

Acting Chairman Pacekonis, on behalf of the Commission, thanked Ms Samokar for her work and accomplishment.  

  • Town Council 8-24 Referral -  Little League Shack on Ayers Road
Mr. Ray Favreau, Director of Park and Recreation, described the South Windsor Little League Shack as a project of priority from the Park and Recreation Master Plan. It is a joint project with the Town and South Windsor Little League Organization which has made a series of improvements to the building since 1999.

Mr. Tom Ruby, with the Little League, stated the Little League Shack has been around 50 years with facilities of limited utility. There are 800 little league players plus their parents who potentially use the building. They plan to work off the existing footprint for utilities and will explore for the existing septic field. At this point an upgrade needs to be done and plans will be brought to Planning and Zoning for approval. They are seeking a single construction manager to direct the project to create something of greater value than the investment to last at least another 50 years.

Commissioner Wagner visited the site and asked if the steps will have handicap access. Mr. Ruby stated the shack predates handicap accessibility code but anything proposed will meet current code. There will be a concession window with seasonal operation. The fields are the home fields for the varsity and junior varsity softball teams. Bathroom facilities are to be upgraded for both male and female players.

A motion to grant a favorable recommendation was made by Commissioner Wilson.

Seconded by Commissioner Kuehnel.
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

  • Appl. 13-28P, Jehovah’s Witnesses Earth Filling Permit - request for special exception to 7.6 and site plan approval for earth filling to create a pad for a future parking lot, at 640 Burnham Street, I-291 CD overlay zone
A motion was made to approve by Commissioner Wilson with modifications:
  • Prior to commencement of any site work, a meeting must be held with Town Staff.
  • The permit is valid for one year and will expire on July 23, 2014.
  • A bond in the amount of $1,000 to ensure compliance with erosion & sediment control measures is required.
  • All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
  • No truck entrance from Burnham Street is allowed.  All access must be through the existing parking area.
  • A barrier must be placed at the edge of the parking area.
  • The parking pad must be stabilized with vegetation upon completion.
Seconded by Commissioner Wagner.
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

BONDS: Callings/Reductions/Settings: None

MINUTES:  6/25/2013 adopted by concensus.



Acting Chairman Pacekonis made an announcement for the upcoming Special Meeting on July 24, 2013 for the sound study at Revolutions (Appl. 13-20P). Planner Lipe stated the applicant has been coordinating with the neighborhood to do the sound demonstration. It is planned that at 9:30 p.m. they will be doing sound measurements on the patio without guests and at 10 p.m. they will have a band and approximately 100 people on the patio and will take measurements again. The Planner counseled that since this will be within a Public Hearing, testimony should not be taken in at this time. All testimony should wait until the Public Meeting on August 20th.

Commissioner Foley arrived at 8:38 p.m.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:42 p.m. was made by Commissioner Foley.
Seconded by Commissioner Kuehnel.
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lauren L Zarambo
Recording Secretary